Ajánló szavak

Barna Gábor: Ajánló szavak. In: Rítusok, folklór szövegek, (13). pp. 7-10. (2004)

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The education of folkloristics at the Department of Ethnology established at the University of Szeged in 1929 was reorganized in the academic year of 1992-1993 after some decades of interval. Still, the education of folkloristics heavily draws on earlier traditions. We aim at presenting the theories and approaches most important in the history of the discipline, still up-to-date in the education and research of either textual folkloristics, rites or religious life. As a result, seminar papers and thesis papers based on individual fieldwork and textual analysis were created through the years.8 This volume contains extracts from these papers. The studies theoretically and methodologically bound to the views of the forefathers raised many new ideas, methodological teachings, as well as several thematic innovations and research suggestions. In the field of sacral rites, one of these is the research on first mass and its profane traditions, desacralized celebration, and the forms of sacral written communication. In the field of secular rites, we can mention invented traditions which aroused interest taking the form of thesis papers: the phenomenon of wedding invitation cards, the fish soup festival of Baja, school traditions, the process of creating school traditions and the solar eclipse in 1999. There are also wholly innovative ones among themes of textual folklore, like the analysis of nuns' life stories, or less innovative ones, but providing new material, like for example, the analysis and interpretation of the text of a hand-written family story in verse as an attempt to create a family myth, or a research on religious pulp literature and sacred letters. Education is a process supposing cooperation and teamwork between students and teachers. It does not occur in public. It can be measured, evaluated only by indirect means. The authors of this volume are secondary school teachers, PhD students of Hungarian and foreign universities, archaeologists and ethnologists working in museums, librarians but there are also some social workers, students and university lecturers. The connection between them is that once they were all students of our department. I think their writings can inform the reader better than anything else about the education and research of folkloristics at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Szeged. It is our conscious intention that, on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the department and the centenary of Sándor Bálint's birth, the research carried out in the folkloristics workshop of Szeged would be represented and demonstrated by students' papers.

Mű típusa: Könyv része
Egyéb cím: Words of recommendation
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: Rítusok, folklór szövegek
Dátum: 2004
Kötet: 13
ISSN: 1419-1288
ISBN: 963 9406 78 3
Oldalak: pp. 7-10
Sorozat neve: Szegedi vallási néprajzi könyvtár
Nyelv: magyar , angol
Befoglaló mű URL: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/69834/
Kulcsszavak: Népi kultúra - Magyarország - 18-20. sz., Népszokás - magyar, Néphit - magyar, Folklór - magyar
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr. a lábjegyzetekben ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Szakterület: 05. Társadalomtudományok
05. Társadalomtudományok > 05.04. Szociológia
Feltöltés dátuma: 2020. szep. 02. 12:16
Utolsó módosítás: 2022. feb. 03. 12:16
URI: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/69911
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