Egy fejezet az afrikai vándorlásból : Magyarország és a második generációs afrikaiak

Szaniszló Réka Brigitta: Egy fejezet az afrikai vándorlásból : Magyarország és a második generációs afrikaiak. In: Acta Universitatis Szegediensis : forum : publicationes discipulorum iurisprudentiae, (1). pp. 515-540. (2018)

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Cikk, tanulmány, mű

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I believe that today it has a crucial importance to analyse migration from its every aspect. One of the less researched field of migration is the situation of migrants from the second or umpteen generation, because they are not migrants, officially. However, it has an impact on their lifes that their ancestor(s) originates from an other country, continent. The question is how they and the society around them can handle these cultural differences. Thus in my thesis I analysed the identity, economic and social situation of second generation Africans in a host country, Hungary, in the basis of five hypothesis. First hypothesis: Hungary’s society considers the second/third generation migrants as migrants. Therefore the society does not considers them as a part of it. The Hungarian society does not make a difference between migrants in the aspect which country, continent they are came from. Second hypothesis: the Hungarian communities exclude the second generation African migrants living in Hungary, respectively they are discriminated. Third hypothesis: because of the social assessment the second generation African migrants are marginal actors in Hungary’s economic and political life. The hostility toward the people with African origins endorses the strengthening of far-right is Hungary. Fourth hypothesis: in the consequence of discrimination and double loyality the second generation Africans have close tights with the origin country and they remigrate. They are searching for their identity. Fifth hypothesis: the social assessment of second generational african migrants worthened because of the migration crisis exploded in 2015. At the end of my research – for which I prepared a questionnaire to see how the Hungarians relate to migrants, I made interviews with second generation Africans living in Hungary to see how they relate to their special situation, and I analysed data to see the emotionless reality – I can say that Hungary is not a migrant welcoming country, however it is hostile even with Hungarians living beyond the borders. Which attitude worthened due to the European migration crisis started in 2015.

Mű típusa: Cikk, tanulmány, mű
Egyéb cím: A chapter from the African migration Hungary and the second generation Africans
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: Acta Universitatis Szegediensis : forum : publicationes discipulorum iurisprudentiae
Dátum: 2018
Kötet: 1
ISSN: 2560-2802
Oldalak: pp. 515-540
Nyelv: magyar , angol
Befoglaló mű URL:
Kulcsszavak: Migráció - Afrika - 21. sz.
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr. a lábjegyzetekben ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Szakterület: 05. Társadalomtudományok
05. Társadalomtudományok > 05.04. Szociológia
Feltöltés dátuma: 2020. dec. 07. 08:51
Utolsó módosítás: 2023. már. 08. 14:17
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