Balkáni mesterek görögkatolikus püspökök szolgálatában, 18. század

Terdik Szilveszter: Balkáni mesterek görögkatolikus püspökök szolgálatában, 18. század. In: A Kárpát-medence, a magyarság és Bizánc = The Carpathian basin, the Hungarians and Byzantium, (11). pp. 325-339. (2014)

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Several important new churches had started to be constructed in the territory of Greek Catholic dioceses of the Hungarian Kingdom and Transylvania in the middle of the 18th century. Generally, the plan of the buildings were drawn by architects from Vienna or by other local ones, but several times different artists from the Balkan were comissioned to make sacred furniture, to paint frescoes or icons by the bishops. For example, the works of a woodcarver, named Constantinos Thaliodoros, who was to be said from Constantinople, whose name has been known by my research. He carved the most represen(a)tative iconostasis of Baroque period (in the church at Máriapócs, Balázsfalva/Blas, Nagyvárad/Oradea), but his individual style hasn't been followed by others. More Balkanian painters as well as workshops were comissioned by the bishops too. These artists sticked to the old orthodox artistical tradition more faithfully than those orthodox collagues from Hungary, who had learnt art in Kiev in that period. In my presentation I am focusing the monuments made by the Balkanian artists, looking for the reason, why they had been choosen (to be?) commisioned to these important works by the church leaders.

Item Type: Book Section
Other title: Artists from the Balkan in service of the Greek Catholic bishops, 18th century
Journal or Publication Title: A Kárpát-medence, a magyarság és Bizánc = The Carpathian basin, the Hungarians and Byzantium
Date: 2014
Volume: 11
ISBN: 978-963-306-298-2
Page Range: pp. 325-339
Series Name: Acta Universitatis Szegediensis : Opuscula Byzantina
Language: Hungarian
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Uncontrolled Keywords: Egyházi művészet - görögkatolikus - Magyarország - 18. sz., Keresztény művészet - Magyarország - 18. sz., Ikonográfia - görögkatolikus - Magyarország - 18. sz.
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: p. 334-336. és a lábjegyzetekben ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 06. Humanities
06. Humanities > 06.01. History and archaeology
Date Deposited: 2021. Jan. 22. 12:13
Last Modified: 2021. Sep. 23. 08:56

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