Effect of UV-A radiation on photosynthetic electron transport

Turcsányi Enikő; Vass Imre: Effect of UV-A radiation on photosynthetic electron transport. In: Acta biologica Szegediensis, (46) 3-4. pp. 171-173. (2002)

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Cikk, tanulmány, mű

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We have studied the inhibition of photosynthetic electron transport by UV-A (320-400nm) radiation in isolated spinach thylakoids by flash-induced oxygen and thermoluminescence (TL) measurements. The flash pattern of oxygen evolution showed an increased amount of the S0 state in the dark, which indicate a direct effect of UV-A radiation in the water-oxidizing complex. TL measurements revealed the UV-A induced loss of PSII centers. Flash-induced oscillation of the B TL band, originating from the S2Q8 recombination, indicated a UV-A induced decrease in the amount of Q8 relative to Q8. In conclusion, our data show that UV-A radiation is highly damaging for PSII, whose electron transport is affected both at the water oxidizing complex, and the binding site of the Q8 quinone electron acceptor.

Mű típusa: Cikk, tanulmány, mű
Rovatcím: Photosynthesis, the effects of UV-B irradiation; Proceedings of the 7th Hungarian Congress on Plant Physiology
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: Acta biologica Szegediensis
Dátum: 2002
Kötet: 46
Szám: 3-4
ISSN: 1588-385X
Oldalak: pp. 171-173
Nyelv: angol
Konferencia neve: Hungarian Congress on Plant Physiology, 7., 2002, Szeged
Befoglaló mű URL: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/39245/
Kulcsszavak: Természettudomány, Biológia
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr.: 173. p.; Abstract
Feltöltés dátuma: 2016. okt. 17. 09:25
Utolsó módosítás: 2021. ápr. 13. 12:25
URI: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/22547
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