Study on the application of environmental protection methods in cereal farms Iasi County

Drobota Benedicta; Chiran Aurel; Gindu Elena; Drobota Ionut: Study on the application of environmental protection methods in cereal farms Iasi County. In: Review on agriculture and rural development, (1) 1. pp. 199-204. (2012)

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Cikk, tanulmány, mű

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Environmental issue is one of the scientific community concern, reflected in conferences at national and international level, symposia and conferences in which were discussed consistent identification procedures for reducing the impact of pollution. Agriculture, with industry, may become one of the major sources of pollutants with negative impact on environmental quality through degradation or destruction of ecosystems. Also, intensive farming lead to soil and water pollution by the excessive use of fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation water (poor quality and quantity), especially on arable land too loose by applying various works. The authors have proposed to identify and analyze environmental methods applied in grain farm from Iasi County. The research methodology was based on statistical survey with written questionnaire that were distributed to a panel of 12 farms of different sizes, of which three farms fall within the 1-100 ha, 3 farms within the 101- 500 ha category and 6 farms within the 501-2000 ha category. Analyzing the results it was found that the production technology of cereals within farms with large areas of land is focus on minimizing CO2 emissions. In this respect, for example, the doses of chemical fertilizers is determined depending on the supply of soil with N, P, K, analysis repeated periodically and the experts' advice, crop residues are chopped and incorporated into the soil, which reduces CO2 emissions, etc.

Mű típusa: Cikk, tanulmány, mű
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: Review on agriculture and rural development
Dátum: 2012
Kötet: 1
Szám: 1
ISSN: 2063-4803
Oldalak: pp. 199-204
Nyelv: angol
Befoglaló mű URL:
Kulcsszavak: Gabonatermesztés, Környezetvédelem, Környezetszennyezés
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr.: 204. p. ; ill.
Szakterület: 04. Mezőgazdaság-tudományok
04. Mezőgazdaság-tudományok > 04.01. Mezőgazdaság, erdészet, halászat
Feltöltés dátuma: 2018. jún. 14. 07:23
Utolsó módosítás: 2024. már. 26. 13:26
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