Anonymus : hivatalnok vagy irodalmár? : história az oklevelekben - oklevelek a históriában

Juhász Péter: Anonymus : hivatalnok vagy irodalmár? : história az oklevelekben - oklevelek a históriában.

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In the Gesta these noble persons and their genus are originated from the Conqueror leaders. Therefore when the Anonymus wrote about the Hungarian Conquest, in reality he say on the Conquest of the Almos-party noble elite in the 12th century. The points of the Blood Pact are referring to the agreement of the Lombard League in the second half of the 12th century, which was created against the power aspirations of Frederick Barbarossa. I suggest for the identification of Anonymous, in the person of notary Barnabas, who was in office between 1146-1158, maybe to 1162, under the reign of Géza II. and after was the provost of Óbuda. His chief was Nicolaus, the leader of the king's chapel, where be issued the royal charters at this time. Later, between 1163 and 1180 Nicolaus was bishop of Várad and between 1180 and 1183 he was the archbishop of Esztergom. His clerics founded the royal chancellery under the rule Béla III. (1172- 1196). These de-rics used those formulas which can be found in the Gesta and in the charters of Barnabas. I think so, Nicolaus was the 'venerabilis N' the addressee of the Gesta and the friend of Anonymus.

Mű típusa: Konferencia vagy workshop anyag
Egyéb cím: Anonymous : officer or littérateur? : history in diplomas - diplomas in history
Rovatcím: Mentalitás- és művelődéstörténet
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: Középkortörténeti tanulmányok
Dátum: 2018
Kötet: 10
ISBN: 978-963-315-376-5
Oldalak: pp. 265-280
Konferencia neve: Medievisztikai PhD-konferencia (10.) (2017) (Szeged)
Befoglaló mű URL:
Kulcsszavak: Anonymus, Történetírás - magyar - 13. sz.
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr.: p. 276-279. és a lábjegyzetekben ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Feltöltés dátuma: 2020. feb. 17. 13:20
Utolsó módosítás: 2022. nov. 08. 10:58
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