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Találatok száma: 29.


Biczók Ferenc: Light-induced changes of vacuolar contraction of sensitized Ciliata. In: Acta biologica, (12) 3-4. pp. 87-91. (1966)

Bodrogközy György; Harmati István: Nutrient-induced changes in the species combination of meadow associations in an irrigated solonchak-solonetz soil in the Danube valley. In: Acta biologica, (12) 3-4. pp. 3-28. (1966)

El-Masry Hoda G.; Zsolt János: Geotrichum novakii n. s p. In: Acta biologica, (12) 3-4. pp. 67-70. (1966)

Farkas Gyula: Die Änderung der wichtigsten Körpermaße der Kinder von Szeged (Südungarn) zwischen dem 3. und 18. Lebensjahre. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 159-167. (1966)

Farkas Gyula: In memoriam Prof. Dr. Lajos Bartucz. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 3-16. (1966)

Gulyás Sándor; Pesti J.: Angaben zur Anatomie der Nektarien der Centaureae. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 17-24. (1966)

Gál Dezső: Angaben zur Rhizopoden-Fauna der Theiss-Strecke zwischen Szolnok—Csongrád. In: Acta biologica, (12) 3-4. pp. 115-124. (1966)

Horváth Andor: Mollusca periods in the sediments of the Hungarian Pleistocene V. The middle part of the middle arid period in the boring of Felsőszentiván. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 149-158. (1966)

Horváth Imre: Comparative cytological examinations of the paravertebral ganglia of tadpoles and full-grown frogs. In: Acta biologica, (12) 3-4. pp. 93-99. (1966)

Horváth Imre: The effect of the spectral composition of light on the quantity of the photosynthetic pigments and on the proportion of components. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 25-34. (1966)

Horváth Imre; Szász Kálmán: Effect of the spectral composition of light on the carbohydrate production of the red pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L.). In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 35-36. (1966)

Joó Ferenc; Csillik Bertalan: Types of synapses in the cerebral and cerebellar cortex of the albino rat. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 119-127. (1966)

Juhász Miklós: Effect of ecological factors on the leaf epidermis of species Solarium. In: Acta biologica, (12) 3-4. pp. 29-36. (1966)

Kedves Miklós; Adorján Anna Mária: Pollens fossiles de la famille des Onagraceae des couches paleogènes de la Hongrie. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 37-48. (1966)

Kedves Miklós; Kolosváry Gábor: Eozän-Korallen und faziesökologisch-biostratigraphisch bemerkenswerte Sporomorphen aus dem Bakony-Gebirge betrachtet. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 49-54. (1966)

Kolosváry Gábor: Eozän-Korallen aus Tiefbohrungen bei Balinka, Mór und Olaszfalu. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 135-142. (1966)

Kolosváry Gábor: Konstitutionsstudien über Balanus improvisus Darwin. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 143-148. (1966)

Kolosváry Gábor: New fossil Scalpellids from the USSR. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 129-133. (1966)

Kolosváry Gábor: Über Triaskorallenfauna Ungarns. In: Acta biologica, (12) 3-4. pp. 125-137. (1966)

Maróti Imre: Development of the Tmesopsida and Pteropsida leaves and histogenesis of the epidermis. In: Acta biologica, (12) 3-4. pp. 37-60. (1966)

Pálfi Gábor: A new indicator of abnormal amino acid and protein metabolism in diseased plants: rice, potato, soybean, tobacco. In: Acta biologica, (12) 3-4. pp. 71-74. (1966)

Pálfi Gábor; Zsolt János: Changes in the amino acid and protein metabolism of rice as a result of diseases. In: Acta biologica, (12) 3-4. pp. 75-85. (1966)

Stammer Aranka: The microscopic innervation of the gill-apparate in Scorpaena porcus. In: Acta biologica, (12) 3-4. pp. 101-113. (1966)

Szász Kálmán: Effect of wavelength composition of light on the accumulation of nitrogenous compounds. In: Acta biologica, (12) 3-4. pp. 61-65. (1966)

Uherkovich Gábor: Das Leben der Tisza. XXVII. Zur Frage der Potamolimnologie und des Potamoplanktons. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 55-66. (1966)

Varga Magdolna: Germination- and growth-inhibiting substances in rice grains II. Examination of single fractions of inhibitors found in the covering structures. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 73-79. (1966)

Vámos Rezső: The effect of H2S on the IAA content of the rice plant and on the development of its adventitious roots. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 67-72. (1966)

Zsoldos Ferenc: Temperatureffecte auf die N-Assimilation junger Reispflanzen. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 81-86. (1966)

Ábrahám Ambrus Andor; Stammer Aranka: Über die Structur und die Innervierung der Augenmuskeln der Vögel unter Berücksichtigung des Ganglion ciliare. In: Acta biologica, (12) 1-2. pp. 87-118. (1966)

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