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Number of items: 17.


Almási B.: A queuing model for a processor-shared multi-terminal system subject to breakdowns. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 4. pp. 273-282. (1992)

Căzănescu Virgil Emil and Ceterchi Rodica: Initial and final congruences. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 3. pp. 199-215. (1992)

Dassow Jürgen and Mateescu Alexandru and Paun G. and Salomaa A.: Regularizing context-free languages by AFL operations : concatenation and Kleene closure. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 4. pp. 243-253. (1992)

Demetrovics János and Hencsey Gusztáv and Libkin Leonid O. and Muchnik Ilya: Normal form relation schemes : a new characterization. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 3. pp. 141-153. (1992)

Demetrovics János and Hencsey Gusztáv and Libkin Leonid O. and Muchnik Ilya: On the interaction between closure operations and choice functions with applications to relational databases. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 3. pp. 129-139. (1992)

Demetrovics János and Rónyai Lajos: A note on intersections of isotone clones. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 3. pp. 217-220. (1992)

Dietmar Gröger Hans: On the randomized complexity of monotone graph properties. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 3. pp. 119-127. (1992)

Dombi József and Lencsés Gy.: On the Boolean structure of fuzzy logical systems : a counter example. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 4. pp. 317-322. (1992)

Honkala Juha: On unambiguous number systems with prime power base. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 3. pp. 155-163. (1992)

Imreh Balázs: On a special composition of tree automata. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 4. pp. 237-242. (1992)

Jurvanen Eija: The Boolean closure of DR-recognizable tree languages. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 4. pp. 255-272. (1992)

Makjamroen T.: The self-organizing list and processor problems under randomized policies. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 4. pp. 283-302. (1992)

Meduna Alexander: Symbiotic EOL systems. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 3. pp. 165-172. (1992)

Salomaa Kai: Alternation bounds for tree automata. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 3. pp. 173-197. (1992)

Szabó László: On minimal and maximal clones. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 4. pp. 323-327. (1992)

Woeginger Gerhard J.: Computing maximum valued regions. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 4. pp. 303-315. (1992)

Ádám András: A criterion for the simplicity of finite Moore automata. In: Acta cybernetica, (10) 4. pp. 221-236. (1992)

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