The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment című kiadvány cikkei

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Találatok száma: 30.


Andó Mihály: Hydrographie description of the Körös/Criş riversystem. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 15-36. (1997)

Banarescu Petru M.; Telcean Ilie; Bacalu Petru; Harka Ákos; Wilhelm Sándor: The fish fauna of the Criş/Körös river basin. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 301-325. (1997)

Buzan Cristina; Sárkány-Kiss Endre: A study of the plecoptera species in the Criş/Körös rivers. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 263-267. (1997)

Csia Kinga E.; Sárkány-Kiss Endre: The comparative study of ephemeroptera fauna in the Crişul Repede/Sebes-Körös river and in one of the Mureş/Maros section. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 269-274. (1997)

Domokos Tamás; Bába Károly; Kovács Gyula: The terrestrial snails of the Hungarian section of the three Körös/Criş and the Berettyó/Barcău rivers and their zoogeographical evaluation. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 335-344. (1997)

Drăgulescu Constantin; Macalik Kunigunda: The aquatic and paludal flora and vegetation from the Criş/Körös valleys. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 47-80. (1997)

Fodré Zsófia; Lévai Istvánné: Hygienic bacteriological study of the Hungarian section of the Körös river system. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 115-121. (1997)

Galdean Nicolae; Staicu Gabriela; Bacalu Petru: The assessment of lotic ecosystems from the hydrographical unity Criş/Körös river system, according to the benthic associations. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 243-261. (1997)

Ghira Ioan: Herpetofauna of Crişul Repede/Sebes Körös and Barcău/Berettyó river basins. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 353-360. (1997)

Ghira Ioan; Újvárosi Lujza; Mara Gyöngyvér: Tropical spectrum of Rana ridibunda and its importance in trophical web in the Crişul Repede/Sebes-Körös river ecosystems. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 361-366. (1997)

Grigorszky István; Padisák Judit; Borics Gábor; Vasas Gábor: Data on the knowledge of Peridinium palatinum Lauterborn (Dinophyta) in Körös area (SE, Hungary). In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 123-133. (1997)

Hamar József; Zsuga Katalin; Fodor Alpár; Ponta Michaela: Chemical characteristics of the water and sediment of the Criş/Körös river system. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 103-114. (1997)

Jakab Sámuel: The geography of the Körös/Criş river system. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 37-45. (1997)

Kecskés Attila: Occurrence of amphibious bugs, water bugs and ground bugs in the catchment area of the Crişul Alb, Crişul Negru and Crişul Repede rivers. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 275-286. (1997)

Kohl István: The avifauna of the Criş/Körös rivers. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 367-379. (1997)

Markó Bálint: Contribution to the knowledge of the ant-fauna (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Crişul Repede river valley. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 345-352. (1997)

Molnár Zsolt; Bagi István; Kertész Éva: Vegetation and flora of the Hármas-Körös river (Hungary) with some historical remarks. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 81-101. (1997)

Ruicanescu Adrian: Contribution to the diving beetles and whirligig beetles study (Coleoptera: Dytiscoidea, Gyrinoidea). In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 287-293. (1997)

Szító András: Macrozoobenthos biomass in the back-waters with different water supply. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 221-229. (1997)

Szító András: The crude oil pollution effect on the macrozoobenthos in the river Barcău/Berettyó. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 231-241. (1997)

Szító András; Mózes Katalin: The Oligochaeta and the Chironomid fauna as pollution indicators in the Criş/Körös river system. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 165-194. (1997)

Sárkány-Kiss Endre; Ponta Michaela; Fodor Alpár; Telcean Ilie: Bioaccumulation of certain heavy metals by fish populations in the Criş/Körös rivers. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 327-334. (1997)

Sárkány-Kiss Endre: Structure and aspects of dynamic of the unionid associations of the Crişul Alb/Fehér-Körös river at Ineu. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 203-207. (1997)

Sárkány-Kiss Endre; Bolos Florina; Nagy Eszter: Freshwater molluscs from the Criş/Körös rivers. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 195-202. (1997)

Sárkány-Kiss Endre; Fodor Alpár; Ponta Michaela: Bioaccumulation of certain heavy metals by unionidae molluscs in Criş/Körös rivers. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 209-219. (1997)

Sárkány-Kiss Endre; Galdean Nicolae; Mihailescu Nicolae: Description of the sampling sites along the rivers in the Criş/Körös basin. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 7-14. (1997)

Sárkány-Kiss Endre; Macalik Kunigunda: Ecological condition and the recommended Red List of the Criş/Körös river system. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 381-395. (1997)

Zsuga Katalin: Long-term Zooplankton investigations in the Hungarian section of the Körös catchment area. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 153-164. (1997)

Zsuga Katalin: The ecological condition of the Criş/Körös catchment area on the basis of planktonic fauna. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 135-152. (1997)

Újvárosi Lujza: Study on the Trichoptera fauna in the Romanian section of the river Crişul Alb catchment area. In: The Cris/Körös rivers' valleys : a study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment 2. pp. 295-299. (1997)

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