The possibilities of electric vehicles nowadays

Drabancz Áron: The possibilities of electric vehicles nowadays.

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Global warming is one of the biggest problems in the world: international organizations, states, companies and individuals must respond to the challenges that arise. This fact has led to significant changes in the automotive industry, which can revolutionize the way the industry operates in the future. The aim of my study is to examine how the strengthening of sustainability aspects influenced the transformation of the automotive industry, with special regard to the spread of electric cars. I also examined how markets responded to technological change, thus the announcements that help drive the spread of electric cars have had a positive impact on the value of companies in recent years. With the help of event analysis, I have shown that equities had systematically outperformed after innovative announcements, but the effect was not always significant.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Heading title: Ipar 4.0, digitális gazdaság, digitalizáció : mesterséges intelligencia és közgazdaságtan
Journal or Publication Title: The Challenges of Analyzing Social and Economic Processes in the 21st Century
Date: 2020
Page Range: pp. 49-62
Event Title: Társadalmi és gazdasági folyamatok elemzésének kérdései a XXI. században (2019) (Szeged)
Related URLs:
DOI: 10.14232/casep21c.4
Uncontrolled Keywords: Autóipar, Ipari technológia, Innováció
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: p. 59-61. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 02. Engineering and technology
05. Social sciences
05. Social sciences > 05.02. Economics and business
Date Deposited: 2021. Feb. 16. 13:26
Last Modified: 2022. Nov. 08. 13:38

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