A kiskésit! : egy új eszköztípus a szarmata Barbaricumban?

Borsódi Martin and Kulcsár Valéria: A kiskésit! : egy új eszköztípus a szarmata Barbaricumban?

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The 4th-century Sarmatian double burial published in the present article was found in Üllő Site 5, during preventive excavations preceding construction of Motorway M0. This grave is a part of the cemetery probably used by the local potters’ settlement. There were two adult men buried in the grave, one of them completely looted above the knees. The article focuses on the two knives with arched blade that came to light in the looted part of the burial. Based on Roman provincial patterns we suggest that they could function as grape knives (that is to say, tools for cutting the bunches of grapes). In order to interprete these tools presently unique and strange the Sarmatian Barbaricum, we review the agricultural tools from graves and archaeological remains that can be connected with viticulture. Judging from the distance between the finding places of grapeseeds in the neighboring provinces and between Barbarian sites, and from the outstanding number of these finds comparing to other periods preceding Árpád Age, we are inclined to assume that Roman Age Sarmatians of the Great Hungarian Plain could have tried their hand in viticulture and wine production.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Other title: A new tool type in the Sarmatian Barbaricum
Journal or Publication Title: Párducz 111. : konferencia Párducz Mihály (1908-1974) emlékére
Date: 2020
Volume: 8
ISSN: 2062-9877
ISBN: 978-963-306-774-1
Page Range: pp. 153-176
Series Name: Monográfiák a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Régészeti Tanszékéről
Language: Hungarian
Publisher: Szegedi Tudományegyetem Régészeti Tanszék
Place of Publication: Szeged
Event Title: Párducz 111. : konferencia Párducz Mihály (1908-1974) emlékére
Event Type: Conference
Event Location: Szeged
Event Dates: 2019
Related URLs: https://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/76787/
Uncontrolled Keywords: Régészet - leletek - szarmata
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: p. 170-176. és a lábjegyzetekben ; ill. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 06. Humanities
06. Humanities > 06.01. History and archaeology
Date Deposited: 2022. Nov. 09. 15:52
Last Modified: 2022. Nov. 09. 15:52
URI: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/76975

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