Drivers of productivity differences in the Hungarian manufacturing sector 2014-2017

Juhász Péter; Reszegi László; Hajdu Miklós: Drivers of productivity differences in the Hungarian manufacturing sector 2014-2017.

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Earlier research proved the existence of multilayer dualities within the Hungarian Economy. Based on these findings, this paper examines the driving forces of productivity differences comparing two groups in Hungarian manufacturing sector: locally owned and foreign-owned companies. The cluster analysis and the panel regression based on financial data of 1725 firms for the period 2014 to 2017 revealed that, while crucial driving forces may match, their direction and importance differ considerably. While foreign companies have an apparent advantage in productivity, their increase in export ratio correlates with lower efficiency; in contrast, export intensity boosts the efficiency of the locally owned companies. While the proportion of highly trained workforce correlates with productivity, this effect appears to be weaker in foreign-owned companies, which signals inefficient use of intellectual resources. These results raise questions regarding the efficacy of the current Hungarian economic policy of promoting foreign investments (FDIs).

Mű típusa: Konferencia vagy workshop anyag
Rovatcím: Sectoral analysis
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: Proceedings of the European Union’s Contention in the Reshaping Global Economy
Dátum: 2020
ISBN: 978-963-306-772-7
Oldalak: pp. 136-156
Konferencia neve: The European Union’s Contention in the Reshaping Global Economy (2020) (Szeged)
Befoglaló mű URL:
DOI: 10.14232/eucrge.2020.proc.8
Kulcsszavak: Feldolgozóipar - Magyarország - 21. sz., Gazdaságpolitika - Magyarország - 21. sz., Versenyképesség
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr.: p. 20-21. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Szakterület: 05. Társadalomtudományok
05. Társadalomtudományok > 05.02. Közgazdasági és gazdálkodástudományok
Feltöltés dátuma: 2021. jan. 12. 09:49
Utolsó módosítás: 2022. nov. 08. 13:09
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