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Bajmócy Zoltán; Málovics György; Tyetyák Zsuzsanna: Technological change and environmental sustainability: limits of techno-optimism. In: Regional competitiveness, innovation and environment. pp. 255-264. (2009)
Bajmócy Zoltán; Szakálné Kanó Izabella: Measuring the innovation performance of Hungarian subregions. In: Regional competitiveness, innovation and environment. pp. 99-121. (2009)
Kiss Károly: Manageable and unmanageable world crises : climate and economy. In: Regional competitiveness, innovation and environment. pp. 201-222. (2009)
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Lukovics Miklós: Measuring regional disparities on competitiveness basis. In: Regional competitiveness, innovation and environment. pp. 39-53. (2009)
Lukovics Miklós; Besze Tamás: Quo Vadis Hungarian spatial and settlement policy? In: Regional competitiveness, innovation and environment. pp. 72-86. (2009)
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Málovics György: The social role and responsibility of small and medium-sized enterprises - results of an empirical investigation applying the social capital approach. In: Regional competitiveness, innovation and environment. pp. 222-237. (2009)
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Szakálné Kanó Izabella: An analysis of the spatial distribution of knowledge intensive services in Hungary. In: Regional competitiveness, innovation and environment. pp. 122-141. (2009)
Tóth Mónika: Is their consumption sustainable? : an inquiry into the consumption habits of citizens and university students of Szeged. In: Regional competitiveness, innovation and environment. pp. 237-254. (2009)
Vas Zsófia: Role of proximity in regional clusters : evidence from the software industry. In: Regional competitiveness, innovation and environment. pp. 162-182. (2009)