Trends in Natural Product Research – PSE Young Scientists’ Meeting című kiadvány cikkei

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Találatok száma: 87.

Al-Groshi Afaf; Evans Andrew R.; Jasim Hiba A.; Auzi Abdurazag; Ismail Fyaz M. D.; Dempster Nicola; Nahar Lutfun; Sarker Satyajit D.: In vitro cytotoxicity of Asphodelus aestivus against human cancer cell lines : [abstract].

Al-Majmaie Shaymaa; Sharples George P.; Nahar Lutfun; Wadi Khazal; Nath Sushmita; Dempster Nicola; Jasim Hiba A.; Al-Groshi Afaf; Sarker Satyajit D.: Antimicrobial activity and mechanisms of action of selected flavonoids from the Rutaceae : [abstract].

Albayrak Gokay; Demir Serdar; Baykan Sura: Coumarins and polyacetylenes from Prangos uechtritzii Boiss and Hauskn roots : [abstract].

Andargie Mebeaselassie; Jamal Zana; Rathgeb Anna; Karlovsky Petr: Targeted HPLC-MS analysis of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seeds, roots and hairy roots : [abstract].

Appendino Giovanni: Electrophilic natural products: friends or foes in natural products drug discovery? : [abstract].

Ardah Mustafa T.; Mohieldine Merghani Madiha; Haque M. Emdadul: Thymoquinone prevents neurodegeneration against MPTP in vivo model of Parkinson's disease and modulates α-synuclein aggregation in vitro : [abstract].

Axelle Aimond; Coralie Audoin; Grégory Genta-Jouve: Anti-oxidant seasonal variation study of Sideritis hyssopifolia by untargeted metabolomics : [abstract].

Backlund Anders: Applications of chemography in natural products : [abstract].

Baloyi Itumeleng; Cosa Sekelwa; Combrinck Sandra; Leonard Carmen; Viljoen Alvaro: Anti-quorum sensing and antibiofilm activities of South African medicinal plants against uropathogens : [abstract].

Bauer Rudolf: The important role of gut microbiota for the therapeutic activity of herbal extracts : [abstract].

Becker Rafał; Pączkowski Cezary; Bogdańska Agata; Wojtaszko Agnieszka; Golis Tomasz; Szakiel Anna: Exploring free and glycosidic forms of triterpenoids in cuticular waxes and tissues of chokeberry and blackberry leaves : [abstract].

Becker Rafał; Pączkowski Cezary; Bogdańska Agata; Wojtaszko Agnieszka; Szakiel Anna: Insights into epicuticular wax composition of fruits and leaves of Saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt. cv. Smoky and Northline) : [abstract].

Brenneisen Rudolf: Medical cannabis : an update : [abstract].

Burdziej Aleksandra; Chojak Magdalena; Pączkowski Cezary; Cluzet Stéphanie; Szakiel Anna: Metabolism of sterols and pentacyclic triterpenoids in grapevine Vitis vinifera leaves elicited with methyl jasmonate : [abstract].

Burdziej Aleksandra; Da Costa Grégory; Gougeon Louis; Le Mao Inès; Bellée Anthony; Corio-Costet Marie-France; Mérillon Jean-Michel; Szakiel Anna; Richard Tristan; Cluzet Stéphanie: Metabolomic alterations in elicitor-treated grapevine Vitis vinifera leaves monitored by 1H NMR : [abstract].

Butterweck Veronika: Polyphenols as biogenic additives and value added products : [abstract].

Cank Kristóf B.; Graf Tyler N.; Rice Christopher A.; Kyle Dennis E.; Pearce Cedric J.; Oberlies Nicholas H.: Isolation and characterization of fungal secondary metabolites with anti-Naegleria fowleri (brain eating amoeba) activity : [abstract].

Celaj Odeta; Custódio Luísa; Mollica Adriano; Trampetti Francesca; Pereira Catarina; Zengin Gokhan; D’Abrosca Brigida; Fiorentino Antonio: In vitro antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory properties, metabolomic profile and computational studies Cistanche phelypaea L. : [abstract].

Chuluunbaatar Bayar; Muszyńska Bożena; Gdula-Argasińska Joanna; Hohmann Judit; Ványolós Attila: Anti-inflammatory activity of steroids from Hypholoma lateritium : [abstract].

Daskalaki Maria; Vyrla Dimitra; Harizani Maria; Doxaki Christina; Eliopoulos Aristides; Roussis Vassilios; Ioannou Efstathia; Tsatsanis Christos; Kampranis Sotirios: Neorogioltriol and related diterpenes from the red alga Laurencia inhibit inflammatory bowel disease in mice by suppressing M1 and promoting M2-like macrophage responses : [abstract].

David Bruno: Pharma industry and plant natural products : today and tomorrow : [abstract].

Diederich Marc: Natural compound inducers of immunogenic cell death : [abstract].

Dávid Zsuzsanna Csilla; Kúsz Norbert; Pinke Gyula; Bérdi Péter; Zupkó István; Hohmann Judit; Vasas Andrea: Isolation and pharmacological investigation of jacaranone derivatives from Crepis pulchra : [abstract].

ElNaker Nancy A.; Ochsenkühn Michael; Amin Shady A.; Yousef Ahmed F.; Yousef Lina F.: Metabolomics and in vitro cytotoxicity of extracts obtained from a desert plant and its soil : [abstract].

ElNaker Nancy A.; Yousef Ahmed F.; Yousef Lina F.: Antioxidant capacity and in vitro breast cancer cytotoxicity of aqueous extracts from Arthrocnemum macrostachyum are affected by drying method : [abstract].

Ferencz Elek; Kúsz Norbert; Hohmann Judit; Vollár Martin; Molnár Ágnes; Laczkó-Zöld Eszter; Zomborszki Zoltán Péter; Csupor-Löffler Boglárka: Chemical characterization of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) root : [abstract].

Ferrante Claudio; Recinella Lucia; Menghini Luigi; Brunetti Luigi; Chiavaroli Annalisa; Leone Sheila; Maurizio Ronci; Carradori Simone; Locatelli Marcello; Angelini Paola; Covino Stefano; Venanzoni Roberto; Orlando Giustino: Phytochemical and pharmacological approach for the evaluation of water flower extract activity of four commercial Italian hemp cultivars : [abstract].

Ferreira Maria-José U.: Exploring plant metabolites to overcome multidrug resistance in cancer chemotherapy : [abstract].

Francezon Nellie; Pasetto Pamela; Dittmer Jens; Mouget Jean-Luc: Marennine-like pigments : microalgae blue mystery : [abstract].

Gampe Nóra; Darcsi András; Kursinszki László; Béni Szabolcs: Ononis isoflavonoids aiming the CNS : [abstract].

Ganeson Keisheni; Razali Razifah Mohd; Mat Amin Khairul Anuar; Mubarak Aidilla: Edible film incorporated with ternary blend cinnamon oil : a natural source for fruit preservation : [abstract].

Gasser Johanna; Gerdes Lennart; Haeseler Fabio; Moll Ralf; Hellwig Veronika: Polyphenols from waste streams of industrial marzipan production : [abstract].

Grauso Laura; Falco Bruna de; Bonanomi Giuliano; Lanzotti Virginia: Metabolomics of the alimurgic plants Taraxacum officinale, Papaver rhoeas and Urtica dioica by combined NMR and GC-MS analysis : [abstract].

Groshi Afaf Al; Nahar Lutfun; Evans Andrew R.; Ismail Fyaz M. D.; Sarke Satyajit D.: Libyan medicinal plants and their cytotoxic compounds : [abstract].

Grougnet Raphaël; Tavares Botelli Maíra Islena; Lecsö-Bornet Marylin; Ortiz Sergio; Michel Sylvie; Smyrnioudis Ilias; Aligiannis Nektarios; Boutefnouchet Sabrina; Kritsanida Marina: Centrifugal Partition Chromatography method optimization for the isolation of antibacterial compounds from the fruits of Pistacia lentiscus : [abstract].

Ha Manh Tuan; KIm Jeong Ah; Choi Jae Sui; Min Byung Sun: Inhibition of PTP1B of phenolic compounds from the root bark of Morus alba : [abstract].

Hamburger Matthias: Searching for the needle in the haystack - targeted identification of pharmacologically active natural products : [abstract].

Hammadi Reham; Kúsz Norbert; Waweru Mwangi Peter; Kulmány Ágnes; Zupkó István; Orvos Péter; Tálosi László; Hohmann Judit; Vasas Andrea: Isolation and pharmacological investigation of compounds from Euphorbia matabelensis : [abstract].

Hunyadi Attila: ROS scavenging by small-molecule antioxidants : key to a neglected treasury of bioactive compounds : [abstract].

Jasim Hiba A.; Radapong Sarayut; Sarker Satyajit D.; Ritchie Kenneth J.: The conundrum of phytochemicals and cancer : [abstract].

Jasim Hiba A.; Zavoianu A. G.; Sarker Satyajit D.; Moore Sharon A.; Ruparelia Ketan; Arroo Randolph; Ritchie Kenneth J.: Bioactivity of synthetic chalcones in MRC-5 SV2 cells : [abstract].

Jin Ling; Kim Eun-Yeong; Chung Tae-Wook; Lee Jung-Hee; Park So Young; Han Jung Ho; Lee Jong Rok; Kim Young Woo; Jang Se Bok; Kim Kibong; Ha Ki-Tae: A novel pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase inhibitor hemistepsin A increases mitochondria-dependent apoptosis of colorectal cancer : [abstract].

Jivishov Emil; Hänze Jörg; Fazio Pietro Di; Hofmann Rainer; Faqir Shah Mahmoud; Keusgen Michael: Aromatic sulphur compounds from Allium species induce antioxidant signaling in human bladder cancer cells : [abstract].

Kalli Sylvia; Lin Yiran; Araya-Cloutier Carla; Vincken Jean-Paul: Maximizing plant's capacity to synthesize antimicrobial compounds : [abstract].

Kim Jung-In; Jo Ae-Jin: Hypolipidemic effect of autumn olive berry in mice fed a high-fat, high-sucrose diet : [abstract].

Kimel Katarzyna; Pobłocka-Olech Loretta; Godlewska Sylwia; Krauze-Baranowska Mirosława: Comparative phytochemical analysis of active compounds from Symphytum officinale roots and leaves : [abstract].

Kovács Balázs; Kiss Tivadar; Csupor-Löffler Boglárka; Ferencz Elek; Kúsz Norbert; Tsai Yu-Chi; Hohmann Judit; Csupor Dezső: Isolation of sesquiterpene lactones from common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. : [abstract].

Laczkó-Zöld Eszter; Horváth Attila; Bacsadi Blanka; Csupor Dezső: Development and validation of a HPLC-UV method for the quantification of charantin in Momordica charantia products : [abstract].

Lanzotti Virginia: NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry in the discovery of bioactive natural products : [abstract].

Latif Ahmed; Vágvölgyi Máté; Girst Gábor; Jenei Tamás; Zupkó István; Csámpai Antal; Hunyadi Attila: In vitro antitumor activity of protoflavone-based hybrid compounds on human gynecological cancer cell lines : [abstract].

Liaudanskas Mindaugas; González-Burgos Elena; Viškelis Jonas; Žvikas Vaidotas; Gómez-Serranillos M. Pilar: The beneficial effect of extracts from Eucalyptus globulus leaves on modulation of antioxidant enzymatic defense system : [abstract].

Liaudanskas Mindaugas; Tallat-Kelpšaitė Monika; Viškelis Jonas; Viškelis Pranas; Uselis Norbertas; Kviklys Darius: Quantitative and qualitative differences of phenolic compounds in apples grown in different geographical regions : [abstract].

Macovei Irina; Harabagiu Valeria; Săcărescu Liviu; Pascariu Petronela; Diaconu Alina; Lungu Cristina; Ivănescu Bianca; Gille Elvira; Miron Anca: Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Pinus nigra bark aqueous extract and their potential applications : [abstract].

Malaník Milan; Paulíková Monika; Pomykalová Kateřina; Pospíšilová Tereza; Šafářová Hana; Šmejkal Karel: Isolation and characterization of bioactive compounds from Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) L'Hér. ex Vent. : [abstract].

Markowski Michał; Alsoufi Abdulwadood S. M.: Increase of phytosterols content in response to cytokinin kinetin treatment of marigold (Calendula officinalis) hairy roots : [abstract].

Miron Anca; Aelenei Petruta; Luca Simon Vlad; Rîmbu Cristina Mihaela; Horhogea Cristina Elena; Trifan Adriana; Sorin Dan Miron; Aprotosoaie Ana Clara: Plant-derived antimicrobials : combination strategies to mitigate antibiotic resistance : [abstract].

Mohanraj Rajesh; Hassan Kamal; Venkataraman Balaji: Nootkatone elicits hepatoprotective and anti-fibrotic actions in a murine model of liver fibrosis by suppressing oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis : [abstract].

Mottaghipisheh Javad; Kúsz Norbert; Hohmann Judit; Tsai Yu-Chi; Csupor Dezső: Isolation and structural elucidation of secondary metabolites from Eremurus persicus : [abstract].

Napagoda Mayuri; Liyanaarachchi Chamika; Malkanthi Shamila; Abayawardana Kaumadhi; Witharana Sanjeeva; Jayasinghe Lalith: Development of herbal sunscreen formulations from the flowers of Osbeckia octandra DC. : [abstract].

Napagoda Mayuri; Soyza Sudhara De; Gerstmeier Jana; Butschek Hannah; Lorenz Sybille; Qader Mallique; Nagahawatte Ajith; Wijayaratne Gaya Bandara; Schneider Bernd; Svatoš Aleš; Jayasinghe Lalith; Koeberle Andreas; Werz Oliver: Plectranthus zeylanicus Benth : a potent source of secondary metabolites with antimicrobial, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory activities : [abstract].

Nath Sushmita; Nahar Lutfun; Downing James E.; Ritchie Kenneth J.; Sarker Satyajit D.: Effects of major secondary metabolites of Ricinus communis on porcine uterine contractility : [abstract].

Ojha Shreesh; Javed Hayate; Meeran MF Nagoor; Azimullah Sheikh: α-Bisabolol mitigates rotenone-induced dopaminergic neurodegeneration by suppressing oxidative stress, neuroinflammation and apoptosis in rat model of Parkinson’s disease : [abstract].

Oliveira Marta; Rodrigues Maria; Pereira Catarina; Neng Nuno; Ketavong Setha; Sprengel Lima Caroline; Hoste Hervé; Custódio Luísa: A first insight into the nutritional value, phenolic content and biological activities of the halophyte Cladium mariscus L. Pohl : [abstract].

Ono Misaki; Higuchi Takako; Takeshima Mikako; Nakano Shuji: Anti-tumour activity of four soy isoflavone components against Src-activated human adenocarcinoma cells : [abstract].

Park Hye-Rin; Choi Hee-Jung; Park Mi-Ju; Ha Ki-Tae: Paeoniflorin increases the adhesion of trophoblast to the endometrium by upregulating the expression of Integrin αVβ3 and αVβ5 : [abstract].

Patonay Katalin; Szalontai Helga; Jánószky Mihály; Lovas Miklós; Pénzesné Kónya Erika; Zámboriné Németh Éva: Main phenolic constituents of Mentha longifolia (L.) L. samples from Northern Hungary - extractability, variability and contribution to some in vitro antioxidant properties of the plant : [abstract].

Pieters Luc: Biological activity of naturally occurring glycosides after gastrointestinal biotransformation : [abstract].

Pokorná Marie; Sychrová Alice; Hassan Sherif T. S.; Vysloužilová Petra; Helclová Alexandra; Michnová Hana; Harbutová Klaudia; Šmejkal Karel; Čížek Alois; Hošek Jan: Biological active compounds from Morus alba root bark : [abstract].

Prosuntsova Daria; Fedorova Elizaveta; Rodin Igor; Ananieva Irina; Stavrianidi Andrey: Standardization of extracts from roots P. ginseng and P. quinciphola by the use of HPLC/MS : [abstract].

Radapong Sarayut; Sarker Satyajit D.; Ritchie Kenneth J.: Gene expression profiles of MCF-7 cells treated with oxyresveratrol : [abstract].

Rakoma Jostina; Tshikalange Emmanuel; Cosa Sekelwa: Calpurnia aurea ethanol extract reduces Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing- dependent virulence factors : [abstract].

Rogowska Agata; Szakiel Anna: Tracer method (14C-labelling) for investigating the metabolic flux pattern in triterpenoid biosynthetic pathway in Calendula officinalis hairy roots after elicitation with jasmonic acid : [abstract].

Senol Deniz Fatma Sezer; Erdogan Orhan Ilkay: Evaluation of possible cosmeceutical effects of Turkish plants : [abstract].

Shetty. G Raviraja; Rajasekharan P. E.: Evaluation of bioactive compounds in leaves of Moringa concanensis accessions : [abstract].

Sriyatep Teerayut; Siridechakorn Ittipon; Maneerat Wisanu; Andersen Raymond J.; Laphookhieo Surat: Bioactive prenylated xanthones from the young fruits and flowers of Garcinia cowa : [abstract].

Stavrianidi Andrey; Shpigun Oleg; Rodin Igor; Fedorova Elizaveta: Preparative isolation and structure determination of three steroidal saponins and their isomers from Dioscorea deltoidea based on an NMR and HRMS methods : [abstract].

Stefkó Dóra; Barta Anita; Kúsz Norbert; Csorba Attila; Kele Zoltán; Bakacsy László; Szepesi Ágnes; Bérdi Péter; Zupkó István; Hohmann Judit; Vasas Andrea: Mono- and diphenanthrenes with antiproliferative activity from Juncus gerardii : [abstract].

Tammam Mohamed; Agusti Susana; Ioannou Efstathia; Duarte Carlos M.; Roussis Vassilios: Polychlorinated pyrrolidinones from a Saudi Arabian Red Sea sponge of the genus Lamellodysidea : [abstract].

Tsai Yi-Hong; Tseng Yu-Ting; Wu Tung-Yin; Lo Yi-Ching; Chang Fang-Rong: Development of traditional complex formulas as therapeutic agents : [abstract].

Tyukodi Levente; Kuzma Mónika; Bencsik Tímea: Examination of cannabinoid content of different extracts prepared from Cannabis sativa L. : [abstract].

Vasas Gábor: Nonribosomal peptides from cyanobacteria : [abstract].

Vollár Martin; Csupor Dezső; Csupor-Löffler Boglárka; Kúsz Norbert; Kövér E. Katalin; Mándi Attila; Kurtán Tibor; Szűcs Péter; Marschall Marianna; Hohmann Judit: Isolation of phenanthrenes from the moss Paraleucobryum longifolium : [abstract].

Voňka Petr; Rárová Lucie; Bazgier Václav; Berka Karel; Kvasnica Miroslav; Oklešťková Jana; Kudová Eva; Strnad Miroslav; Valík Dalibor; Hrstka Roman: Molecular mechanisms of action of selected steroids in breast cancer cells : [abstract].

Wolfender Jean-Luc; Allard Pierre-Marie: Do we still need to isolate natural products for their identification? : a paradigm shift in pharmacognosy : [abstract].

Yong Yi Yi; Dykes Gary Anthony; Choo Wee Sim: Inhibitory activity of a betacyanin formulation from red pitahaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus) and red spinach (Amaranthus dubius) against polymicrobial biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa : [abstract].

Şöhretoğlu Didem; Sevgi Sezer; Soral Michal; Renda Gülin: Investigations on secondary metabolites of a relict oak : Quercus pontica : [abstract].

Šmejkal Karel; Hošek Jan; Malaník Milan; Gazdová Markéta; Treml Jakub: Prenylated phenolics with anti-inflammatory effects : [abstract].

A lista elkészítésének dátuma 2024. szeptember 26. 17:20:53 CEST.