Az érzékek alkalmazása az Isten-kapcsolatban : Szent Ignác egyik elmélkedési módszer

Szabó Ferenc: Az érzékek alkalmazása az Isten-kapcsolatban : Szent Ignác egyik elmélkedési módszer. In: Érzékek és vallás, (22). pp. 26-33. (2009)

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In recent decades, religious philosophy, theology and the teachers of Christian spirituality have all emphasized the importance of empathy and experiencing in the relationship to God. It is partly due to a particular anti-rationalistic attitude that religious philosophy has turned to existentialist thinking and the experiences of Eastern religions that are gaining popularity in the West. The spirituality of the Christian (Catholic and other) charismatic movement is a part of this tendency. However, in the history of Christian spirituality, mysticism had always been present. The science of "mysticism", which was formerly separated from "ascetics", largely discussed the mystical experiences of great saints (Teresa of Avila, Saint John the Baptist, and recently, and most recently Saint Ignatius of Loyola). Experts on spirituality are now stating that it is not only saints, but also "everyday" Christians practicing their faith that may have "mystical" experiences, various experiences of God without experiencing visions and divine declaration, which are often held in suspicion. In this paper, - after the general considerations mentioned above - the Jesuit author examines one of the spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit Order, a contemplation about hell, to present the idea of "using the senses". Saint Ignatius, through an intensive use of imagination, "exercises" all senses (sight, hearing, smell and taste) during the spiritual exercise. The purpose is to help the congregation grasp the evangelical truths in an intuitive way, and somehow experience the possibility of damnation, and in the end give thanks to God for still having time for conversion. It is up to the spiritual guide, of course, how they "modernize" the Ignatian images also found in the Gospels. It is by no means certain that the hellish visions of H. Bosch, Dante or Ignatius himself have an effect on everyone today. What is important is that the person doing the spiritual exercise should gain sufficient experience and impressions and thus come to a good decision through prayer and grace.

Item Type: Book Section
Other title: Using the senses in the relationship to God a meditation technique by Saint Ignatius
Journal or Publication Title: Érzékek és vallás
Date: 2009
Volume: 22
ISSN: 1419-1288
ISBN: 978 963 482 973 7
Page Range: pp. 26-33
Series Name: Szegedi vallási néprajzi könyvtár
Language: Hungarian, English
Event Title: Szegedi Vallási Néprajzi Konferencia (8.) (2006) (Szeged)
Related URLs:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Népi vallásosság, Érzékelés - pszichológia - vallásosság
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: 32. p. és a lábjegyzetekben ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 05. Social sciences
05. Social sciences > 05.01. Psychology
05. Social sciences > 05.04. Sociology
06. Humanities
06. Humanities > 06.03. Philosophy, ethics and religion
Date Deposited: 2020. Sep. 22. 12:51
Last Modified: 2022. Feb. 01. 13:23

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