Investigation of the strontium content of foods and the biological role of strontium

Szabó S. András: Investigation of the strontium content of foods and the biological role of strontium. In: Élelmiszervizsgálati közlemények, (63) 4. pp. 1784-1789. (2017)

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From a physiological point of view, strontium is a microelement, having a common transport system with calcium. In plants and soils, there is usually a difference of two orders of magnitude between the concentrations of calcium and strontium. However, in the case of humans and animals, the difference can be as high as three orders of magnitude. The reason for this is the strong ability to discriminate, as a result of which strontium is absorbed from the alimentary canal of warm-blooded creatures in significantly lower amounts. Thus, the Sr:Ca ratio in the human body, as well as its radiostrontium contamination (90Sr/Ca) is significantly lower than the values that can be measured in the foods consumed. It is well known that calcium can be partially replaced by strontium, but large amounts of strontium are toxic to the body. At the same time, strontium is used in medicine to treat osteoporosis. Clarification of the plant, animal and human physiological role of strontium, and proving of its possible essential role requires further investigation. Since the concentration distribution of essential and non-essential microelements shows significant differences within a healthy organism, this knowledge will be of great help in the determination of the biological role of the given microelement by examining the concentration distributions in healthy body tissues, because essential elements are present in the tissues in a narrow concentration range.

Item Type: Article
Other title: Élelmiszerek stronciumtartalmának és a stroncium biológiai szerepének vizsgálata
Heading title: Tudomány = Science
Journal or Publication Title: Élelmiszervizsgálati közlemények
Date: 2017
Volume: 63
Number: 4
ISSN: 0422-9576
Page Range: pp. 1784-1789
Language: English
Publisher: WESSLING Nemzetközi Kutató és Oktató Központ Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.
Place of Publication: Budapest
Related URLs:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Csontritkulás, Stroncium, Analitikai kémia
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: p. 1788-1789. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 02. Engineering and technology
02. Engineering and technology > 02.10. Other engineering and technologies
02. Engineering and technology > 02.10. Other engineering and technologies > 02.10.02. Food and beverages
Date Deposited: 2023. Jul. 10. 07:56
Last Modified: 2023. Aug. 26. 08:18

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