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Találatok száma: 76.

Adamov Tabita Cornelia; Iancu Tiberiu; Pirvulescu Luminita; Brad loan; Ciolac Ramona; Suba Anka Roxana: Implications of the Covid-19 pandemic on Romanian tourism.

AlOudat Mohannad; Simon Sarkadi Livia; Lugasi Andrea: Chef’s perception on nutrition and health.

Allaga Henrietta; Csutorás Csaba; Bajzát Judit; Bakos-Barczi Nóra; Nagy-Köteles Csaba; Hatvani Lóránt; Kredics László; Vágvölgyi Csaba: Agricultural recycling of spent mushroom compost after microbiological treatment.

Ashraf Faiza; Zargar Tahoora Batool; Veres Szilvia: Comparison between (Ocimum basilicum l.) And (Cucurbita pepo l.) Germinating parameters under drought stress.

Bakti Beatrix; Kun Ágnes; Kolozsvári Ildikó; Jancsó Mihály; Székely Árpád; Keserű Zsolt; Bozán Csaba; Gyuricza Csaba: Interactions between trees, crops and pedosphere : experiences in irrigated bioenergy - agroforestry system in Hungary.

Berényi Attila; Mesterházy Ákos; Cseuz László; Tóth Beáta; Vágvölgyi Csaba; Meszlényi Tamás: Natural Fusarium toxin contamination of wheat in Southern part of Hungary.

Blazhekovikj-Dimovska Dijana; Stojanovski Stojmir: First record of Dactylogyrus Vastator (Nybelin 1924) (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) in common carp (Cyprinus Carpio Linnaeus, 1758) from aquaculture facilities in Macedonia.

Bordé Ádám; Allaga Henrietta; Monostori Tamás; Vágvölgyi Csaba: Isolation and identification of epiphytic and endophytic fungal and bacterial strains from sweet potato plants for the development of foliar fertilizer.

Chaddadi Meriem; Szalai Márk; Sári-Barnácz Fruzsina; Kiss József: Critical aspects of developing integrated pest management to manage cereal leaf beetle Oulema melanopus (l) - a literature review.

Ciolac Ramona; Petroman Cornelia; Adamov Tabita; Marin Diana: Ecotourism - possibility of sustainable development of the western area of Romania.

Csambalik László; Divéky-Ertsey Anna; Tóth Ferenc; Boziné Pullai Krisztina: Extensive management system enhances marketable yield of tomato landraces.

Cseuz László; Langó Bernadett; Tóth Beáta; Óvári Judit; Pugris Tamás; Bóna Lajos; Ács Katalin; Ács Péterné; Matuz János: Yield trials, field performance and quality investigations of ancient hexaploid, tetraploid and diploid wheat genotypes.

Dobozi Réka; Beszédes Sándor; Csanádi József: Dielectric measurements for monitoring dairy technology processes.

Dziekański Paweł; Pawlik Andrzej; Wrońska Magdalena; Karpińska Urszula: Development potential and the level of investment expenditure of rural communes of eastern Poland in 2010-2019.

Elmaz Özkan; Beydilli Yasemin; Kahraman Durmuş; Kilinç Merve; Akbaş Aykut Asım: Research on the growth of kids in goat breeding with good flock management : pilot village beşkavak model.

Elmaz Özkan; Kavurur Ali; Doğusan Mehmet Murat; Beydilli Yasemin; Kahraman Durmuş; Akbaş Aykut Asım: Research on leg tags in goat breeding for electronic identification purposes.

Farkas Jenő Zsolt; Kovács András Donát: Conflicts and cooperation between national parks and farmers - a case study from Kiskunság National Park.

Fehér Andrea; Toader Cosmina Simona; Salasan Cosmin; Suster Gabriel Adrian; Vass Hunor: The vulnerability of small businesses in times of crisis.

Fehér Péter; Ninausz Nóra; Pásztor Adrienn; Szabó László; Szemethy László; Heltai Miklós; Stéger Viktor; Varga László: Analysis of MC1R pigmentation gene in the Hungarian population of golden jackal (Canis aureus).

Gyarmati Gábor: The role of the organic farming in rural development in last decade.

Halász András; Marcsok Tihamer: The connection between storage and quality of meadow hay.

Haranghy Laura; Jákói Zoltán; Hodúr Cecília; Beszédes Sándor: Dielectric measurements and microwave pre-treatments for enhanced biodegradability of wastewater and sludge.

Hasan Siti Mastura; Csányi Sándor: Dusky leaf monkeys popular on youtube : rising illegal exotic pet trade on social media in Southeast Asia.

Hommadov Annameret; Zargar Tahoora Batool; Veres Szilvia: Effects of eustress and distress applied at different growth stages to Brassica oleracea var. Italica.

Iosim Iasmina; Popescu Gabriela; Suba Anka; Sirbulescu Claudia: Business image and strategies in Romanian agritourism.

Irmes Katalin; Kristó István; Szentpéteri Lajos; Tar Melinda: Genetic diversity of field pea genotypes assessed by morphological and molecular data.

Jakab Péter; Ódry Levente; Monostori Tamás; Csontos Györgyi; Sárvári Mihály; Kristó István; Komarek Levente: Influence of foliar fertilization on yield and grain quality of corn.

Jantyik Lili: Expectations and experiences with geographical indication in the case of Nagykun rice.

Kimani Bernard Gitura; Anjeche Patrick Otete; Szebenyi Csilla; Kerekes Erika Beáta; Krisch Judit; Papp Tamás; Vágvölgyi Csaba; Takó Miklós: Antimicrobial activity of natural phenolics against food spoilage yeasts.

Kitanovski Vladimir; Popovska Olga; Limani Nora: Reducing microbial growth at sliced mortadella with ɣ-irradiated black pepper.

Kocsis Róbert; Nagy Péter: Hungarian know-how transfer to North Africa and Middle East : the role of Hungarian dairy research institute in innovative camel milk processing technologies.

Kolozsvári Ildikó; Kun Ágnes; Bakti Beatrix; Valkovszki J. Noémi; Jancsó Mihály; Bozán Csaba; Gyuricza Csaba: Macroelement and sodium analysis of willow (Salix alba l.) irrigated with effluent water of agricultural origin.

Komlósi Tamás; Heltai Miklós: Investigation of the efficiency of trapping of hooded crow and magpie in a lowland hunting areas.

Kotogán Alexandra; Furka Zsófia; Volford Bettina; Papp Tamás; Vágvölgyi Csaba; Takó Miklós: Immobilization of fungal lipases on accurel mp1000 hydrophobic support.

Kovács Helga: Structural change of the major field crops in the agriculture of the Southern Great Plain.

Krsteska Meri; Trajkoska Ljubica; Karapetkovska-Hristova Vesna: Meat quality parameters at domestic turkeys fed various dietary rations.

Kun Ágnes; Bakti Beatrix; Kolozsvári Ildikó; Jancsó Mihály; Székely Árpád; Keserű Zsolt; Bozán Csaba; Gyuricza Csaba: Development of experimental agroforestry systems along irrigation development and forestry research goals.

Langó Bernadett; Purgel Szandra; Bóna Lajos: Triticale breeding and research for quality : results of the last ten years in Szeged.

Lantos Csaba; Békés Ferenc; Cseuz László; Bóna Lajos; Purgel Szandra; Ács Katalin; Langó Bernadett; Jancsó Mihály; Székely Árpád; Mihály Róbert; Jakab Tímea; Pauk János: Utilization of in vitro androgenesis in cr ltd.’s crop breeding programs.

Mara Gyöngyvér; Becze Annamária; Vincze Éva Boglárka: Role of rhizobacteria in plant abiotic stress management.

Mendez Garzón Fernando Arturo; Valánszki István: Patterns in the multivariate analysis of the impacts of armed conflict using landsat imagery.

Mikó Edit; Süli Ágnes; Gráff Myrtill: Effect of milking system on the milk quality and quantity.

Mizik Tamás; Rádai Zoltán Máté: The significance of the Hungarian maize production in relation to the common agricultural policy.

Mizik Tamás; Rádai Zoltán Máté: The significance of the Hungarian wheat production in relation to the common agricultural policy.

Monostori Tamás; Bagdi Bence; Vojnich Viktor; Bordé Ádám; Szarvas Adrienn: To lift or not to lift sweet potato vines? - a possible answer to a frequent question.

Nagy Balázs; Makleit Péter: Total saponin content of different alfalfa (Medicago sativa l.) cultivars cultivated in field experiment.

Nagy Boglárka Rita; Varga Attila; Sallay Ágnes: Sustainable development goals in ecovillages.

Nagy Sándor: Organizational strategic management responses to the consequences of Covid-19 pandemic.

Ocnean Monica: Study regarding accounting treatment of green certificates.

Ocnean Monica: Study regarding the economic impact of waste recycling in Timiș county.

Panković Dejana; Racić Gordana; Vukelić Igor; Bojović Mirjana; Jovanović Ljubinko: Short- and long-term effects of Trichoderma harzianum on growth, metal uptake and fruit quality of tomato.

Prodanyk A. M.; Samborska O. V.; Gorlachova O. V.; Gorbachova S. N.; Sheliakina T. A.: Waxy millet (Panicum miliaceum l.) cultivars in Ukraine.

Prus Piotr: Strengthening the competitiveness of the agri-food sector through integration activities on the example of ancient grain, gardena and nova grass projects.

Prysiazhniuk Larysa; Prysiazhniuk Oleh; Hryhorenko Siuzana; Shytikova Yuliia; Dikhtiar Iryna: Genetic diversity of soybean varieties and their biological potential as affected by agronomical practices.

Rieznik A. M.; Ryabchun N. I.: Dynamics of drought resistance in winter bread wheat (Triticum aestivum l.) varieties at different stages of ontogenesis.

Sabriu Haxhijaha Arita; Popovska Olga: Spectrophotometric determination of total sterols in margarine.

Sicoe-Murg Oana Maria; Mateoc Teodor; Constantinescu Simona Cristina; Dumitrescu Carmen; Vass Hunor: Accomodation to a "new normality" - risk or benefit?

Simkó Attila; Basal Oqba; Zsombik László; Veres Szilvia: Effect of nitrogen deficiency and Fusarium graminearum infection on relative chlorophyll content of maize seedlings.

Sirbulescu Claudia; Pirvulescu Luminita; Iosim Iasmina; Iancu Tiberiu; Dincu Ana-Mariana: Analysis of environmental protection expenditures and their influence on the quality of the environment.

Szakos Dávid; Ózsvári László; Kasza Gyula: Perception of older adults about health-related functionality of foods.

Szőke Lóránt; Kovács Gabriella; Biró Györgyi; Radócz László; Kovács Béla; Tóth Brigitta: Evaluation of a biotic stressor’s impacts on a Hungarian supersweet corn variety.

Szűts Viktória; Kelemen-Valkony Ildikó; Répás Zoltán; Szűcs Tibor; Kiss András Attila; Ötvös Ferenc; P. Szabó Balázs; Véha Antal; Bérces Kitti; Komarek Levente; Halasy Katalin; Deim Zoltán; Kis Krisztián; Gál József; Domonkos Ildikó: Muscle structure differences between species of sweet water fish.

Tarek Mohamed; Cziáky Zoltán; Hegedüs István; Tarek-Tilistyák Judit: Turning sweet potato juice into probiotic beverages.

Tarek-Tilistyák Judit; Hegedüs István; Tarek Mohamed: Gluten free biscuits fortified through sweet potato flour.

Toader Cosmina Simona; Zajdel Malgorzata; Michalcewicz-Kaniowska Malgorzata: Business success in perception of Polish and Romanian farmers.

Turuczki Szabolcs Márk; Mikics Péter: Fish rearing with arthropod-based live food.

Tóth Adrienn; Németh Csaba; Lévay Lilla; Balla Csaba; Nagy Attila; Friedrich László: Effects of prebiotic and different flavorings on texture attributes of an egg white based dairy substitute product.

Tóth Brigitta; van Biljon Angeline; Ammar Karim; Guzmán Carlos; Szőke Lóránt; Kovács Béla; Labuschagne Maryke: The impacts of reduced irrigation on Italian durum wheat cultivars' polymeric and monomeric protein distribution.

Tóth Violetta; Gráff Myrtill; Süli Ágnes; Mikó Edit; Gulyás László: Investigation of factors influencing quit from production in holstein-friesian dairy farms.

Valkovszki J. Noémi; Radácsi Péter; Kun Ágnes; Székely Árpád; Szalóki T.; Kolozsvári Ildikó; Sárközy E.; Illés András; Jancsó Mihály: Influence of effluent water from intensive fish farming on Perilla frutescens (l.) Britt. and Salvia officinalis (l.).

Vass Hunor; Pangratie Alexandru; Sicoe-Murg Oana Maria; Stoi Veronica; Mateoc Teodor; Adamov Tabita; Mateoc-Sirb Nicoleta: Effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the environment and the potential sustainability strategies.

Vojnich Viktor József; Magyar Donát; Makra László: Pollen concentration data set for black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) and tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) in 2018.

Zakota Zoltán; Zakota Tamás Zoltán: Fostering ict teaching in agricultural higher education in the partium region.

Zargar Tahoora Batool; Ashraf Faiza; Veres Szilvia: Peg- induced drought stress effects on spinach germination parameters.

Zhumakayev Anuar R.; Vágvölgyi Csaba; Hatvani Lóránt: Studies on stress-tolerant Pseudomonas resinovorans strains with biocontrol potential against Agrobacterium species.

Ördögh Máté; Farkas Dóra: The effect of different substrates on morphological characteristics of acclimatized Bowiea volubilis.

A lista elkészítésének dátuma 2024. szeptember 18. 14:14:46 CEST.