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Találatok száma: 101.

Adamov Tabita; Iancu Tiberiu; Pirvulescu Luminita; Pet Elena; Popescu Gabriela; Ciolac Ramona; Suba Anka Roxana; Gordan Marius: Research regarding the analysis of agritourism activity in Apuseni mountains and possibilities to improve it.

Ahmed Abdelhakam Esmaeil Mohamed; Mozzon Massimo; Shaikh Ayaz Mukarram; Gadallah Nasradeen A. H.; Mohamed Eljaily Mohamed Ahmed; Kovács Béla: Nutritional and physical aspects of Baobab food products : review.

Alaya Amina; Máthé Endre: Comprehensive evaluation of gemmotherapy extracts generated effects using animal models.

Ali Ahmed; Alrasheed Rania; Mohamed Hajer; Ocwa Akasairi; Nagy János: Genetic variability of maize genotypes for growth, yield, and yield components.

Allaga Henrietta; Horkics Dóra; Bordé Ádám; Kovács Teréz; Csutorás Csaba; Bajzát Judit; Bakos-Barczi Nóra; Misz András; Vágvölgyi Csaba; Kredics László: Applicability of bioeffector bacillus strains from the recomposting process of spent mushroom compost.

Anh Kiet Huynh; Tarnawa Ákos; M. Kassai Katalin; Kende Zoltán; Jolánkai Márton: Impact of abiotic stress factors on the performance of viability and initial development of soybean (Glycine Soya L. Merr) seeds.

Arifi Diellez; Jolji Maria; Pecsenye Bence; Máthé Endre: Quercetin containing plant extracts and their effects on aging.

Arifi Diellez; Mehmeti Ibrahim: Diversity of lactic acid bacteria in raw milk in Kosovo determined by 16S ribosomal DNA analysis.

Bakos Zsuzsanna; Demeter Cintia: Comparative analysis of molecular biological markers of different sweet corn (Zea mays L. Convar. Saccharata Koern) genotypes.

Balaban Serap; Máthé Endre: Anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory effects of Gilaburu, Kizilcik and Aliç plants used in traditional Turkish folk medicine.

Balaout Ibtissem; Zelenák Annabella; Nyéki Anikó: Evaluation of NDVI, spad values and yield of two different maize (Zea Mays L.) genotypes under foliar fertilisation.

Balázs Dóra; Rozsnyói Ákos; Marik Tamás; Szekeres András; Vágvölgyi Csaba; Tyagi Chetna; Kredics László: Comparison of the structure-activity relationship of purified peptaibols extracted from two Trichoderma rossicum strains.

Basal Oqba; Zargar Tahoora Batool; Veres Szilvia: Exogenous hydrogen peroxide alleviates severe drought stress effects on soybean morpho-physiology.

Benda Regina; Bíró Zsolt: Autumn diet of European hare (Lepus Europaeus) in the Naszály hills.

Bese Gábor; Hódi László; Keller Tamás; Szabó Roland: Muskweed Myagrum perfoliatum L. is an emerging new potential weed in Hungarian oilseed rape fields.

Bijl Hanna; Csányi Sándor: The reasons for the range expansion of the grey wolf, coyote and red fox.

Bordé Ádám; Allaga Henrietta; Monostori Tamás; Vágvölgyi Csaba: Detailed ecophysiological studies of bacillus licheniformis strains for the development of a microbe-based foliar fertilizer in sweet potato.

Boukhili Mariem; Szilágyi Arnold; Cheradil Andrea: Allelopathic effect of four invasive plants on seed germination of wild mustard.

Bíró Zsolt; Katona Krisztián; Márton Mihály; Schally Gergely; Csányi Sándor: Effect of actions supported by the national game management fund according to the hunters in Hungary.

Büchner Rita; Borbély Evelin Ilona; Kredics László; Hatvani Lóránt; Vágvölgyi Csaba: Isolation of bacteria from casing material of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) and their biocontrol properties.

Cheradil Andrea; Tarcali Gábor; Csüllög Kitti; Boukhili Mariem: Study of chemical control options against chestnut blight disease.

Ciolac Ramona; Adamov Tabita; Popescu Gabriela; Marin Diana: Agrotourism element of rural development-defining criteria.

Csatári Gábor; Eged Bence; Kovács Szilvia: Content parameters of wet-fractionated fibre obtained from leaves and stems of different batata species (Ipomoea Batatas).

Csiba Anita; Ferencz Árpád: Possibilities for reduction of greenhouse gasses in the agricultural production with circular farming.

Czóbel Szilárd; Saláta Dénes; Szirmai Orsolya: Investigation of the secondary succession of abandoned areas from different cultivation in the Northeastern foothills of the Bükk mountains.

Deák Zsuzsanna: Measuring the effectiveness of accounting education for agricultural students : a comparison before and during Covid.

Divéky-Ertsey Anna; Csambalik László; Pusztai Péter; Madaras Krisztina; Gál Izóra: Comparison of different substrates for organic seedling production.

Eisa E.A.T.M.; Honfi Péter; Tilly-Mándy Andrea: Effect of exogenous melatonin on morphological characteristics, relative water content and cell membrane stability of Ranunculus asiaticus under water deficit stress.

Fehér Andrea; Raicov Miroslav; Toader Cosmina Simona; Sirbulescu Claudia; Ben Saleh Rhida: Food security in a changing climate world.

Ferencz Árpád; Komarek Levente; Csiba Anita; Deák Zsuzsanna: Economic effects of environmental change on the rural areas.

Gordan Marius-Ionuț; Pascariu Anka Roxana; Adamov Tabita; Milin Ioana Anda; Iancu Tiberiu: A network approach to studying rural tourism in the Mureș county rural area in Transylvania, Romania.

Gráff Myrtill; Tóth Violetta; Mikó Edit; Gulyás László: Investigation of udder edema in a large-scale dairy farm in Hungary.

Halász András: Homeland security and pasture based farming.

Hasan Siti Mastura; Csányi Sándor: The over harvest of porcupine species for bushmeat and traditional medicine in Malaysia.

Iosim Iasmina; Popescu Gabriela; Suba Anka; Sirbulescu Claudia; Dumitrescu Carmen: Humour in food advertising.

Islam Md. Aminul; Pecsenye Bence; Máthé Endre: Evaluation of total polyphenol and flavonoid content of malt flour extracts and analysis of their effects on the viability of Drosophila S2 cells.

Jakab Péter; Ódry Levente; Kristó István; Sárvári Mihály; Komarek Levente: Study of biostimulator products in maize production.

Jolji Maria; Pecsenye Bence; Győri Zoltán; Máthé Endre: Evaluation of the nutritional value of chestnut (Castanea sativa, Aesculus hippocastanum) and walnut (Juglans regia) gemmotherapy extracts for the development of health-promoting foodstuff.

Kaczur Dávid; Tóth Brigitta: Examination of the impacts of sewage sludge treatment on the physiological characteristics of spinach.

Khalfalla Maha A.; Győri Zoltán: Evaluation of mineral concentration in Hungarian proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) varieties.

Kimani Bernard Gitura; Anjeche Patrick Otete; Kerekes Erika Beáta; Krisch Judit; Papp Tamás; Vágvölgyi Csaba; Takó Miklós: Combined action of natural phenolics and synthetic preservatives against food spoilage yeasts.

Kiss Brigitta; Erdélyi Márta: Correlation between FPD (Food Pad Disease) and forage in broiler feeding.

Komarek Levente; Ferencz Árpád; Csiba Anita: Evaluation of short food supply chains in a rural area.

Kovács Máté; Mihók Sándor: The effect of admixture of new blood on the genetic structure of the Hungarian lipizzan horse population.

Kovács Tamás; Lemos de Oliveira Ítalo José; Papp Dóra Anna; Varga Mónika; Langó Bernadett; Palágyi Andrea; Vágvölgyi Csaba; Krisch Judit; Takó Miklós: Liberation of phenolics from sorghum samples using solid-state fermentation with Rhizomucor miehei.

Lan Phuong Thieu Ngoc; Bódi László; Bócsai Andrea; Csicsely Anikó; Dong Xuan DT; Szalay I. T.: Characterization of indigenous wild colored Hungarian duck and their potential for egg and meat production.

Lantos Csaba; Békés Ferenc; Cseuz László; Bóna Lajos; Purgel Szandra; Ács Katalin; Langó Bernadett; Jancsó Mihály; Székely Árpád; Mihály Róbert; Pauk János: Improvement of in vitro anther culture of cereals and utilization in CR Ltd.'s breeding programs.

Lantos Ferenc; Búzás-Bereczki O.; Szabó Gy.; Róna T.: Requirements of kosher vegetable and fruit production : review.

Lantos Ferenc; Gyalai Ingrid Melinda: Study on the antioxidant capacity of sweet and hot spice peppers.

Melash Anteneh Agezew; Ábrahám Éva Babett: Synergistic improvement of yield and grain protein content of durum wheat through co-fertilization of multiple nutrients.

Monoki Szabolcs; Csornai Gábor; Nagy János: Site-specific plant number control in precision sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) production.

Monostori Tamás; Bráj Róbert; Bartók Andrea; Gombos Zsolt; Szarvas Adrienn; Bordé Ádám; Jakab Péter; Vojnich Viktor; Táborosiné Ábrahám Zsuzsanna; Marótiné Tóth Klára: Some preliminary results of an EIP-AGRI project on sweet potato cultivation.

Montenegro Hernandez Juan Carlos: Digitalization in the food industry - application of blockchain technology as a sustainable business model.

Munkhbat Tungalag; Máté Csaba; Tar Melinda; Purnhauser László: Identification of SR31 and SR36 stem rust resistance genes in Hungarian wheat cultivars.

Márton Mihály; Szabó László; Heltai Miklós: Can the distribution of red fox burrows indicate the chafer larvae density?

Máté Ádám; Murányi Eszter; Zsembeli József; Veres Szilvia: Comparative examination of sorghum bicolor's tannin content under different amount of nitrogen supply.

Nagy Róbert; Remenyik Judit; Sipos Péter: Evaluation of factors influencing the bioactive compounds of red and white sorghum grains.

Nagy Viktor Dávid; Kredics László; Škrbić Biljana; Panković Dejana; Vágvölgyi Csaba: Selection and characterization of candidate biocontrol trichoderma strains isolated from agricultural soils.

Ocwa Akasairi; Mohammed Safwan; Harsányi Endre: Foliar fertilizer and crop production : a review.

Ortega Arth David Sol Valmoria; Szabó Csaba: Effects of heat stress on the performance of primiparous and multiparous sows and their progeny : a review.

Pap Tibor István; Szabó Rubina Tünde; Kovács-Weber Mária: Effects of fluorescent lamp and two different led lighting on the relative weight of hatching eggs and one day old chickens in broiler breeding pairs.

Pascariu Anka Roxana; Gordan Marius; Iosim Iasmina; Adamov Tabita; Iancu Tiberiu: The importance of images in the promotion of agroturistic boarding house in the Western region of Romania.

Pirvulescu Luminita; Adamov Tabita; Salasan Cosmin; Sirbulescu Claudia: Study of the economic efficiency of food quality.

Prohászka Viola Judit; Tormáné Kovács Eszter; Grósz János; Waltner István: Water quality investigation of dug wells in Visnyeszéplak and Gyűrűfű eco-villages.

Prysiazhniuk Larysa; Sonets T.; Shytikova Yuliia; Hryniv S. P.: The genetic diversity assessment of new potato varieties of different maturity groups by SSR markers.

Rockaya Maha; Ellouze Mariem; Baranyi József: Safety and stability of plant-based milk - can predictive microbiology help?

Salasan Cosmin; Iosim Iasmina; Adamov Tabita; Pirvulescu Luminita; Pascalau Raul; Moisa Sebastian; Dumitrescu Carmen: Impact of digitally centred intergenerational learning as blended training for farmers.

Schally Gergely; Csányi Sándor: Eurasian woodcock monitoring in Hungary between, 2009-2021.

Semwal Jyoti; Neji Chaima; Sipos Péter: Development of convenience products using sorghum flour.

Shelke Rajan; Cheradil Andrea: Receptivity of injured and aged coconut petiole for oviposition by Rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier.

Simkó Attila; Veres Szilvia: Variable nitrogen and zinc nutrition effects on relative chlorophyll content of different maize genotypes.

Sirbulescu Claudia; Pirvulescu Luminita; Iosim Iasmina; Fehér Andrea; Rujescu Ciprian: Aspects regarding the role of investments and the business environment in economic development.

Sojnóczki István: Effect of precision maize planting for crop growing and yield.

Szabó Atala; Illés Árpád; Bojtor Csaba; Nagy János: Evolution of maize leaf area index dynamics under different nitrogen levels.

Szabó Stella; Szabó Rubina Tünde; Fehér János; Podmaniczky Béla; Kovács-Weber Mária: Study on efficacy of immunobiotic in broilers diet.

Szarvas Adrienn; Monostori Tamás; Marótiné Tóth Klára; Táborosiné Ábrahám Zsuzsanna; Bráj Róbert: Experiments of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) cultivation technologies in South Hungary in 2021.

Szőke Zsombor; Veres Szilvia: Evaluation of individual and combined use of plant conditioners with photosynthetic and growth parameters.

Tahboub Nirmeen; Krisch Judit; Kovács Kornél: Preparation of a probiotic, milk-free beverage from carrot juice.

Tarek-Tilistyák Judit; Hegedüs István; Cziáky Zoltán; Tarek Mohamed: Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) leaves : bioactive constituents and shelf-life.

Tari Tamás; Horváth Attila: Temporospatial characteristics of wild boar rooting damage in maize fields.

Tihanyi Adrienn; Csambalik László: Motivations of small-scale producers towards tomato landrace utilization.

Tilly-Mándy Andrea; Kohut Ildikó; Ecseri Károly; Mosonyi István Dániel; Túri-Farkas Zsuzsa; Magyar Lajos: Preliminary results in selection of native salt tolerating plant species.

Toader Cosmina Simona; Fehér Andrea Ana; Orboi Manuela-Dora; Crainic Daniela: Local gastronomic business - premise for the development of Romanian gastronomic tourism.

Turuczki Szabolcs Márk; Mikics Péter; Monostori Tamás: Rearing of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) on arthropod food sources in indoor systems.

Tóth Csilla; Irinyiné Oláh Katalin; Uri Zsuzsanna; Vigh Szabolcs; Vincze György; Simon László: The effect of toxic elements on the microanatomy of the leaves of the Salix alba L.

Tóth Gergely; Katona Krisztián: Questionnaire survey on supplementary feeding of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in the Hungarian Great Plain.

Tóth Márk; Erdélyi Márta; Kovács-Weber Mária: The relationship between different litter materials and foot pad dermatitis.

Varga András; Klepács Anita; Vágvölgyi Csaba; Kredics László: Selection and characterization of bacterial strains applicable against wet and dry bubble diseases.

Vargová Mária: Assessment of the hygienic condition of the slaughterhouse based on the evaluation of microbiological swabs.

Vass Hunor; Jurjescu Andreea Lidia; Pangratie Alexandru; Albu Simona; Manescu Camelia; Mateoc Teodor; Adamov Tabita; Mateoc-Sirb Nicoleta: The necessity of protective forestry curtains in Romania in the context of climate change.

Vincze György; Uri Zsuzsanna; Tóth Csilla; Irinyiné Oláh Katalin; Vigh Szabolcs; Simon László: Impact of heavy metal polluted wastewater sediment on element content and enzyme activity of sudanese grass.

Vojnich Viktor József; Udvardy Orsolya; Ferencz Árpád; Makra László; Magyar Donát: Pollen concentration data set for tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) on the Southern Great Plain region in 2019-2020.

Volford Bettina; Takó Miklós; Vágvölgyi Csaba; Papp Tamás; Nagy Gábor: Characterization of beta-galactosidase coding genes of Lichtheimia ramosa.

Vásáry Miklós: Encouraging generational change in agriculture - experiences of the Hungarian young farmer support system.

Xayalath Somsy; Ratky József: Opportunities and challenges for pig production in Vientiane capital, Laos : a review.

Zargar Tahoora Batool; Basal Oqba; Veres Szilvia: Impact of different light intensities on spinach under drought conditions.

Zemplényi Levente; Katona Krisztián: Analysis of game damage on the basis of judiciary documents in Nógrád county between 2015 and 2019.

Zigo František; Farkašová Zuzana; Ondrašovičová Silvia; Pecka-Kielb Ewa; Bursová Šárka; Kiss Dávid Sándor: The effect of improved composition of bedding used in dairy farm conditions on level of indicator microorganisms.

Zsombik László; Pál Vivien: Green manuring, a tool for sustainable agriculture.

Ábri Tamás; Keserű Zsolt; Csajbók József: Growth and plant physiology studies of juvenile black locust clones : early evaluation.

Ördögh Máté; Mosonyi István Dániel: In vitro propagation results of Sorbus aria 'Gran Sasso'.

A lista elkészítésének dátuma 2024. szeptember 18. 14:14:36 CEST.